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Using Rune Stones and Crystals

The runes are a form of Norse alphabet that have long been used as a means of divination, among other spiritual or magickal purposes.

Believed to have been discovered by the great God Odin, after he hung from the world tree for seven days and seven nights, these symbols are considered to be potent sigils and not just a mundane alphabet.

The actual symbols of the runes have changed

over many centuries of Nordic and Viking history, and there are about 3 accepted "versions": the Elder Futhark, the Younger Futhark and the Anglo-Saxon Futhark. For today's usage, its the original Elder Futhark set of symbols you find most often. There are 24 symbols in the Elder Futhark, though the infamous "blank rune" is a more modern addition and not truly authentic.

Each letter or symbol of the runes has a meaning, and it is carved or painted on a small tile or disk. Slices of wood are a common approach, but you can also create a very powerful set of runes if you use gemstones or crystals instead. The added energy of the right crystal can really boost the power of your runes.

Which Crystals Make the Best Crystal Runes?

Amethyst, moonstone, or quartz would be excellent stones for a set of runes to improve your psychic connection with them though runes made from any type of crystal can be great tools. A set of 24 tumbled stones (even simple river rocks) could easily be turned into a set of runes that you could make yourself, for that personal touch.

The basic way to read the runes is to have a set of them in a closed container, shake them about while you think about your question, and then pull out at least one rune as an answer. Another way to interpret the runes is by choosing 3 of them for the classic past, present and future viewpoint. Once you start o learn the symbolism of each rune more intuitively, there are other traditional layouts that include 5 or more runes that can give you more in-depth views into your question.

Divination isn't the only possible use for a set of runes though. Each symbol is a powerful motif that can be used as a gateway to further astral exploration. Meditation and focus on the various rune symbols can help you unlock different parts of your own unconscious. The abstract nature of each image can really activate your third eye for a unique meditation experience. Odin himself found the runes as he sought wisdom, so you can expect that they would be a tool to help you do the same.

About Rune Symbols

Unlike the visual images you get with Tarot cards, the runes are very stark and do not lend themselves to the same kind of immediate response to your subconscious. You have to draw your own connections between the shape of the symbol and it's meaning in order to remember it, and that can create a stronger bond in your mind.

For example, the first rune is called Fehu and it looks like a capital F with the arms slanted upwards. In the simplest sense, it represents wealth (or literally, cattle). But as you learn the meaning, you will create your own impression of this symbol and how it related to wealth in your own mind. This makes the runes more personal than other methods of divination, where the images are just shown to you.

You are also not limited to the original 24 symbols if you really want to work with runes. A "bind rune" is a unique symbol that is created with a certain purpose, made up of several other runes. In other words, you combine the existing symbols to make a new one that represents something particular for you. You can use bind runes are personal talismans in your life, or as elements in a ritual to combine the energy and meaning for a unique intent.

If you are looking to discover more about an ancient divination system that is far older than Tarot cards, runes might fit the bill for you. Whether you make your own or find a perfect set to purchase, you can find a good connection with your set of runes if you work with them often.



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